New digital EasiFoamer™ replaces AutoFoamer™

Following the successful completion of final on-farm validation trials Ambic has launched its new digital EasiFoamer™ system to replace its first generation AutoFoamer™ system, which is based on old analogue technology.

Like the AutoFoamer™ the new EasiFoamer™ automates the process of foam generation to provide a constant supply of high quality foam for teat preparation and sanitisation. However, the new EasiFoamer™ system comes with the following additional features and benefits:

  • Easy adjustment of chemical and air flow to achieve optimum foam quality
  • Keypad and digital display for ease of set up, adjustment and performance monitoring
  • Prime facility for easy start-up and easy refreshing of chemical
  • Low level alarm to warn when chemical level is running low
  • Maintenance reminders, such as for peristaltic pump tube changes
  • Monitoring of chemical consumption

Whilst AutoFoamer™ spares are readily available, please note that all future orders received for complete AutoFoamer™ systems will now be processed and supplied as EasiFoamer™ systems.

Many of the components of the EasiFoamer™ system are interchangeable between the old AutoFoamer™ range and the new EasiFoamer™ range. The Ambic Product Guide shows clearly those parts which are unique to either the AutoFoamer™ range or the EasiFoamer™ range as well as those parts which are common to both models.

For further information please contact

Ambic Launches Large Bore Fittings

A comprehensive range of large bore tubing and fittings is now available, which can be used to increase the capacity of the distribution line in order to improve the performance of teat spray and teat dipping systems.

Ambic Supports Farmers’ Talk on Mastitis

Ambic recently supported Animal Vet Services, ( a large animal vet practice in the South West of England, which organised a dairy farmer’s meeting on mastitis and dry cow therapy.

The guest speaker was Andy Biggs BVSc, MRCVS, who is a leading expert on mastitis and has travelled extensively, consulting on the subject in countries as far afield as China and Chile. Fresh from TV and radio interviews with the BBC that day, Andy covered targeted antibiotic treatment for drying off cows before calving, cleanliness in the parlour and application of different treatment regimens for the dairy cow.

Mark Cinderey, Ambic’s International Sales Manager attended the event and spoke to around 40 dairy farmers who attended the event at The Smuggler’s Inn in St Erth.

The event was sponsored by a number of companies active in the dairy industry, including Ambic.

Ambic Published New Product Guide

Ambic has published an updated version of its Product Guide which includes details of the various additions and improvements which have been made to its product range since the last Product Guide was published.

Additions to the range include the following:

  • Incorporation into the Ambic range of a number of peristaltic pumps, dosing and dilution products from its RFE range
  • New range of large bore distribution line fittings for JetStream™ and EasiDipper™ ranges
  • New Locate’n’Spray™ automated teat spray system
  • MkII Fill’n’Dip™ system
  • New EasiFoamer™ automated foaming system
  • New QMI™ Quarter Milk Isolator
  • New Flash’n’Fill™ low level alarm system

The new edition of the Product Guide is in A4 format and is available in English, French, German and Spanish.

For further details contact

Ambic is Published in The Parliamentary Review

Ambic was invited to contribute an article to the Agriculture edition of the prestigious Parliamentary Review which was published in December. The publication aims to showcase best practice as a learning tool to the public and private sector and is aimed in particular at leading policymakers and executives in the agriculture area.

The Review also consists of a look back at the year in agriculture and Westminster. The Forewords are provided by The Prime Minister, the Rt Hon David Cameron MP and Dan Rogerson MP; the political commentary is written by Mark D’Arcy – the BBC’s Parliamentary correspondent.

The document has been sent out to over 25,000 leading policymakers including all MPs, Peers at the House of Lords, Leaders in Agriculture Services, Dairy Farmers and Livestock and Crop Farmers. The total distribution of the Review across all policy areas is 250,000

Click here to view a copy of The Parliamentary Review. Ambic’s contribution to the publication can be found on pages 42-44.

For further details see

Ambic adds Quarter Milk Isolator to its range – QMI™

Ambic has introduced a new Quarter Milk Isolator to its product range. It is designed to isolate the milk of one quarter from the other three during milking. It is a particularly useful device for managing milk quality in cases where elevated somatic cell counts (SCC) are observed in one quarter.

Isolating the milk from a high SCC quarter by using the Ambic Quarter Milk Isolator can significantly lower the SCC level in the bulk milk tank and so help to generate higher milk premiums.

Click here to go to the Ambic Quarter Milk Isolator web page.

For further details contact

Ambic presents Locate’n’Spray™ research finding at British Mastitis Conference

A poster presented at the British Mastitis Conference was chosen by the Organising Committee for an oral presentation at the annual meeting held in Worcester on Wednesday, 12th November 2014. The paper was presented by Richard May, who has been a key member of Ambic’s Locate’n’Spray™ development team.

The paper presented the results of an independent study commissioned by Ambic to assess the effectiveness of the Company’s newly developed automated teat spray system which has been designed to automate the pre-milking and post-milking teat spraying routines, particularly on rotary milking parlours.

The study looked at a variety of teat spray regimes and concluded that a ½ second spray regime provided teat coverage at least as good as manual spraying with comparable teat dip consumption, whilst the 1 second spray regime achieved consistently a better hit rate and teat coverage than manual spraying.

The main advantages of the Locate’n’Spray system were identified as the ability to make valuable savings of labour time and cost during milking, combined with the considerable benefit of  additional time being freed up to focus on udder health and milking management.

The adjustability of the teat spray system means it can be configured to suit both cost minimisation and udder health maximisation regimes.

Click here to download a copy of the poster presented at BMC.

Click here to download a copy of the paper presented at the conference.

For further details contact

Ambic Acquires a New Product Line

Ambic secured an exclusive licence in December 2013 for the manufacture and distribution of the product line of US business RJ Boudreau Inc., based in Modesto, California.

The RJB product line is complimentary to the Ambic product range and will provide customers with even greater choice by enabling the Company to make a more comprehensive range of udder health and livestock health management products available.

Both the Ambic and RJB brands will continue as before since both have strong brand equity in a number of key markets;  there is also a strong desire to preserve their respective brand identities.

“By acquiring a licence to the RJB range we are not only extending our product range, but also expanding our customer base, particularly in the US, “ says Mark Cinderey, Ambic’s International Sales Manager. “It will provide us with the opportunity to implement a dual brand strategy with the RJB products selling alongside the existing Ambic range.”

Ambic is currently focused on completing the transfer and integration of the business into its UK manufacturing and distribution operation, based in Witney, UK.

This deal follows Ambic’s acquisition of Peristaltic Pump business RF Electronic Controls (RFE) in July 2013 – a UK company that produces pumps and associated products to control the dilution and dosing of chemicals used on dairy farms for cleaning milking systems and milk tanks – as well as being used in systems for pre- and post- teat sanitisation.

For further information contact

Ambic wins Poster Award at BMC (British Mastitis Conference)

At the British Mastitis Conference, which took place in Worcester on 13th November 2013, Ambic presented the results of the research project it had commissioned and funded the Dairy Group to undertake to examine the practical issues associated with teat spraying. Together they won the prize for the best poster presentation at the conference.

Pictured with the rest of the research team is Neal Thornber of the Dairy Group being presented with the Award by Dr Elizabeth Berry, Chairman of the BMC.

The poster provided evidence of the significant range in skill with which post milking teat disinfectants are applied using teat spray systems. Whilst teat end hit rates and barrel coverage levels can be very high when teat spraying is in the hands of a competent operator, the level of variation is worryingly high and on many farms the objectives of teat spraying are simply not being achieved.  In other words, the process is very operator dependent.

The research data also shows a poor correlation between the level of disinfectant used, which varied widely in the study, and the levels of teat end and teat barrel coverage achieved. The data also demonstrated that good teat end coverage can be achieved with around 14ml of teat disinfectant.

Click here to download a copy of the Poster.

Click here to download a copy of the Poster Abstract.

For further information contact

Ambic Acquires RF Electronic Controls (RFE)

Ambic Equipment Ltd completed a Sale and Purchase Agreement on 5th July to acquire the assets of RF Electronic Controls  (RFE), a division of  Robert Pringle Engineers Limited, based in Harlow, Essex. The business will transfer to Ambic’s recently expanded UK facilities in Witney, Oxfordshire where it will be integrated into Ambic’s manufacturing operation.

RFE is a long established company with a pioneering history in the development of peristaltic pump and dosing technologies dating back more than thirty years. It has become a key supplier of specialist peristaltic pump products to the dairy industry as well as supplying specialist equipment to the commercial laundry, dishwashing and water treatment industries. It has built up an enviable reputation for delivering high quality, specialist products for this niche market segment.

The RFE product range includes low volume and high volume peristaltic pumps, single and multiple chemical dosing systems, powder dosing systems and chemical alarm systems. RFE has excellent synergies with Ambic’s expertise in the manufacture and distribution of livestock health management products including teat spraying, teat dipping and teat foaming technologies for the dairy industry; the acquisition creates exciting opportunities for the development of new products which draw on the know-how and resources of both brands.

For further details contact Colin Kingston, Managing Director, Ambic Equipment Limited.
