Welcome to Ambic

Leading best practice in
livestock health management

Over 80% of our products are exported worldwide

The latest product guide includes
details of our expanded range of
innovative products which we hope
you will find inspiring.

About Ambic

Leading best practice in livestock health management

Founded in 1978 Ambic started out life as a contract plastic moulding operation and during the last forty years it has built up significant expertise in the area of precision moulding and the design and manufacture of semi-technical plastic products.

The design and development of its own range of products for the dairy industry in the 1980’s saw Ambic become an expert in the development of products capable of withstanding the harsh operating environment of the dairy farm. In particular, its close collaboration with the National Institute for Research in Dairying (NIRD), based at the University of Reading, enabled it to develop mastitis prevention and detection into core competences.

First to market

In the area of mastitis prevention Ambic was first to market with a dip cup in the mid 80’s, and first to market with its now famous non return dip cup in 1992, and first to market again with a foaming dip cup in 1995. It continues to innovate and lead the market in dip cup technology.

Ambic’s Classic teat spray system was also the first teat spray system to market in the late 80s, followed by the development of its higher capacity Jetstream system which was developed to cater for larger herds and has become the industry benchmark for teat spraying.

World leadership

From its modest beginnings on the UK market Ambic has consistently grown and expanded its distribution so that today its products are sold and used by farmers in more than 55 countries around the world. Indeed Ambic has become the world leader in its chosen fields of mastitis prevention and mastitis detection.

Latest News

BumBullbee joins the Ambic Family

BumBullbee – Formally of Oxford Brookes University now resides at Ambic Equipment Limited, Witney along with our own Daisy the ...

Buy with confidence as a BPMA Member

Ambic are proud to work with and be a continued Member of the British Pump Manufacturers Assoc. (BPMA). BPMA members ...

Quarter Milk Isolator Lid -Colour Change

In an effort to minimise our environmental impact, we have decided to standardise our QMI Lids with a clear plastic ...

Ambic Product Colour Change – Dip Cup Spreaders

In an effort to minimize our environmental impact, we have decided to standardise our Dip Cup Spreaders with a black ...

Ambic become proud members of the British Pump Manufacturers Association (BPMA)

We are pleased to announce that we are now a member of the British Pump Manufacturers Assoc. (BPMA). BPMA members account ...

Steve Dickin Celebrates 25 years of Service at Ambic

On the 15th June, we celebrated Steve Dickin reaching 25 years of service at Ambic. Steve joined us as a Buyer ...

Introducing Rachel Bourne Accounts & Human Resources Assistant

Introducing Rachel Bourne Accounts & Human Resources Assistant ...

Looking to the future…..

Ambic Equipment Limited would like to introduce 16 year old Finley Lundie-Gordon, the new Apprentice Mechanical Engineer who has joined ...

Our Mission

Our Purpose

To innovate, develop, manufacture and distribute livestock health management products that add value for the livestock farmer and livestock health supply chain.

Our Mission

Dedicated to delighting our customers by innovating and adding ever more value to the livestock health management value chain.

Our Vision

To become the world’s preferred supplier of non-pharmaceutical livestock health management products.


The inspiration, vision and drive which gave rise to Ambic came from Reg Marshall, who originally founded the company in 1978. He had a total passion for quality. This ethos has since become ingrained into the very fibre of the organisation and remains today one of the cornerstones of our success. Product quality is backed up by service quality; customer service always being at the forefront of our activities.

We don’t just talk about quality and service, we live it! We know our future depends on it.

Commitment to quality is demonstrated by Ambic’s ISO9001 & ISO14001. The ISO system is used as a proactive management tool to drive performance in all areas of the business.

Click here to view Ambic’s Certificates of Certification.